I would like to know how to change the sensitivity of the mouse, I saw a lot of Roblox FPS use this “option”.
I would like to know how to change the sensitivity of the mouse, I saw a lot of Roblox FPS use this “option”.
Use it in a local script, change the number to up or down the mouse sensitivity.
local UIS = game:GetService("UserInputService")
local UGS = UserSettings():GetService("UserGameSettings")
UIS.MouseDeltaSensitivity = 0.5 / UGS.MouseSensitivity
What is UserSettings() in your code.
Alright, thanks but “0.5” is an example?
I mean, it’s 1 max and 0.1 minimum?
Yeah 0.5 is an example, it is approximately the medium speed (At least for me).
There isn’t a min and max speed but i think that 0.1 to 1 should be enough to play with for an fps game. ^^
Anyways, you still free to put any number you want like 0.35 or 50 if you want to lol.
Alright thank you, happy new year btw.
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