MouseBehavior set to LockCenter after exiting VehicleSeat

Repro Steps:

  1. Go into first person (zoom camera in)
  2. Sit in a VehicleSeat (camera will be zoomed out automatically)
  3. Exit the VehicleSeat
  4. Mouse will be stuck in LockCenter and character orientation will be follow camera

We’re experiencing this issue on Emergency Response: Liberty County, but it seems to happen on all games using VehicleSeats.

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Ok. So I believe roblox actually does that on purpose so that you can more easily look around in first-person. You can fix this by doing the following:

  1. Insert a ScreenGui into StarterGui. Name it “FirstPersonBugFix”

  2. Insert a TextButton into the screen gui.

  3. Change the text button’s background transparency to 1.

  4. Change the text button’s text to nothing.

  5. Change the text button’s interactable property to false.

  6. Enable the Modal property of the text button.

This should in theory fix your issue! :smile:

Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.