MouseBehaviour working incorrectly on web version of roblox

For testing I created a game which sets UserInputService.MouseBehaviour to Enum.MouseBehaviour.LockCenter every frame (Same result occurs with LockCurrentPosition). The intended result is for it to lock the mouse position in the centre of the screen however the mouse can still move freely. This never happened previously and is similar to how the Microsoft Store version of roblox works.

This is not reproducible in studio only in a live game

Client Version: 0.652.0.6520764

This has been fixed now


im experiencing the same thing, cant play any first person games properly

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Currently experiencing this issue and would also like to note that it affects shiftlock and first-person, too. Basically makes most games unplayable.

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Thanks for the report! I filed a ticket in our internal database.

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Did we change anything @thirdtakeonit