MouseButton1Click event isn't firing

I don’t know why but is just doesn’t want to fire, any ideas?

for _, category in pairs(rooms:GetChildren()) do
		local uiCategory = roomLists.CategoryNav:FindFirstChild(category.Name)

		if (uiCategory) then
			for _, room in pairs(category:GetChildren()) do
				local newRoomUI = roomTemplate:Clone()
				newRoomUI.RoomObj.Value = room
				newRoomUI.RoomName.Text = room:GetAttribute("Name")
				newRoomUI.Parent = uiCategory

Folder looks like this:

Each config folder has attributes like this:

The code that you provided seems fine. Perhaps include more information.
Are you sure the newRoomUI variable is a text button and is it visible?

Yes I am sure that it is a textbutton cause i printed newRoomUI’s ClassName and yes it is visible:image
(Placeholder image for now)

Is it possible for you to put the portion of the code that you are experiencing problems with so that I can debug myself?

I posted the code in the first post

Please read my first message. I said that the information that you have already provided doesn’t seem to include any issues. I cannot debug this based on the code you’ve sent.

That’s the thing MouseButton1Click doesn’t want to fire, I have no further information

Well then no one can assist you with this. Might as well close the thread if you have “no further information”.

Nvm I accidentally had a button parented to the TextButton I was trying to use (I wanted to go with this approach first but I later decided not to and forgot the button there)