MouseButton1Click Not working in UI Lib

This is a Admin UI Lib for game so I don’t have to create UI’s by hand and just only with code.

At the moment I have been trying to solve this bug for the past 20 minutes.

In my UI Lib I have a function called Lib.CreateButton(), as intended it creates a button inside the current section (Lib.CreateSection) . And in the UI Lib code I have it so it provides a Name, Description, and a Callback function. Upon clicking the button nothing appears to happen. I have added print checks to make sure its not skipping anything, I have also attempted to directly go to the button in the code without using a variable and still the button does not detect the MouseClick.

Another thing is that the entire UI Lib is inside 1 script. So there isn’t a way for me to mess up the parenting while coding.

The solutions I have searched for did not work. I have tried setting the ZIndex of the button higher then everything else. And even restarted studio. Yet it does not give any Error in console.

My code.

-- Folder goes inside the DragFrame in the script.
local NewFolder ="Folder", Drag)
NewFolder.Name = tostring(NewTab.Name) -- there is a function called Lib.NewTab(Name)

-- Function to create the button
function funcSection.CreateButton(Name, Description, Callback)
	local NewButton = ButtonFrame:Clone() -- there is a variable tied to the ButtonFrame template
	NewButton.Name = tostring(Name)
	NewButton.Button.Text = tostring(Name)
	NewButton.Label.Text = tostring(Description)

	NewButton.Parent = NewFolder
        -- Button function (Here!)
		print("Hello") -- Print Check


Screenshots: image image


Sorry, if this was confusing to understand. This is my first post on Dev Forums. And I don’t have good grammar either so my apologies.

If there is anything else you need to diagnose this problem please tell me and ill send.

Most likely isn’t the fix, but I recommend using .Activated over .MouseButton1Click, as it supports mobile and Xbox as well.

Ill test it now. Thanks for the reply.

It didn’t seem to work. Do you have another idea on how to fix this?

But ill be back later. I have to go.

Is it a local script or server script?

The script im using is a Local Script

Try using MouseButton1Down instead of MouseButton1Click.

That didn’t seem to work either, what else could it be?