MouseButton1Click not working?

I’m making a mod call system, and whenever I press a button it will open, but its not opening, it shows this:

Heres is the script:

Does anyone know how to fix this?

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it cant be on a textlabel, it has to be a textbutton

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Hey there, @elithebanana4

The error message you’re encountering, “MouseButton1Click is not a valid member of TextLabel,” indicates that you’re trying to use the MouseButton1Click event with a TextLabel, which doesn’t support this event.

To fix this, ensure that you’re using a GUI element that does support MouseButton1Click, such as a TextButton. Here’s the adjusted code:

-- Assuming script.Parent is a TextButton
    script.Parent.Parent.CallModFrame.Visible = true

With this change, your button should open the CallModFrame as expected.
If you have any more questions or run into issues, feel free to ask for further assistance. Also check out the documents if you haven’t already:
Roblox GUI Documentation

Best regards,

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