Mouse.Color3 and Mouse.Size Properties

If you have a problem with what I’m posting, DM me privately. I’m not being pedantic at all, I’ve replied to your post exclusively. If you’re going after me rather than the points I’m making, I’ll just have to flag you.

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Let’s not resort to insults or other forms of attacks here, please. :slight_smile:

I’m just genuinely confused on how creating a custom mouse icon would be more efficient over simply having two new properties.

Of course, I completely forgot about ClickDetectors, and I would like to apologize about that. But I do think that was an API error on Roblox’s end to split the icons up.

I still think it would be beneficial to having IconColor3 (thanks for the suggestion) and IconSize as it just seems more intuitive, and you would have to do less work for a really simple feature that should already be present.


I think we’re all a little confused here because we have conflicting views, which is totally understandable. But this debate has gone nowhere and turned into an awful argument.

Look. If I said that it wasn’t intuitive, excuse me. But I’ve expressed genuine confusion on several points brought up here, which have yet to be explained to me. If that much can’t be done, then we don’t have common ground and everything spirals out of control. That’s why I keep saying what I’m saying. I’m speaking from what I understand.

I’m sorry, that was uncalled for.

That being said however I believe you’re operating from the perspective that a lot of developers do where they want to do everything themselves instead of have a built in variant. This is a continuing issue with the animation editor, and as Saturn noted it happened with the Raycasting API too.

This is a perfectly valid view to have and I understand why you have it. It’s just that a lot of people also feel like it’s better to have built in methods for things as it makes code less complicated long-term. That’s what I mean when I call your method unintuitive; it’s a good and perfectly valid method, but it’s not using the built-in API and Instances as they’re intended to so it may come off as weird or confusing to some people. Under my viewset, it’s better to have a way built-in because it doesn’t rely upon this weirdness.


A property/method to change the mouse icon color/size would be lovely. If I were wanting to change the icon color depending on what the player is hovering over (to indicate it is special or something) I have to do one of these two:

  • custom mouse icon like mentioned but then the mouse is going to get buried under CoreGuis so this is a no-go.

  • or upload each color manually but that is a HUGE waste of time. Not to mention having to wait for moderation to approve it…

Sometimes when I grab an image from the toolbox it is too big, so a size for the icon would be great. (separate suggestion from the color thing)

And sorry for necrobumping, but I didn’t want to write a duplicate :stuck_out_tongue: