Mouse.Icon is not changing whatsoever


So I wanted to make a cursor in one of my games a white-dot cursor, so I thought I’d just change the Mouse.Icon right? Yeah, wrong.

I try set the cursor ID in a localscript

	repeat task.wait()
		Mouse.Icon = "rbxassetid://11673735739" 

	until Mouse.Icon == "rbxassetid://11673735739"
	print("Done Setting")

However, this does not change anything of the cursor even though the loop finishes and I’m left with my cursor looking like the default roblox one.

I’ve looked about on devforum to see if I could find any fixes, notably the ones about the image being too small and waiting a moment before the image is set, which I have all troubleshooted and they have not worked.

If anyone has any ideas, I’d be glad to hear them, thank you


I experienced the same situation before. I bypassed it entirely by setting the mouse’s icon to nil (so it doesn’t show anything), and instead having an imageLabel on top that had the mouse icon instead.
Perhaps try using a RunService.RenderStepped loop instead?

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Try UserInputService.MouseIcon.\.

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Test this in Roblox instead of Roblox Studio, because Roblox Studio isn’t setting the mouse icon for some reason.


Wonder why that is, this worked though, thanks for the help

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