Mouse.Icon not working

Hi, so i have this gun system which changes your mouse icon but for some reason it only works IN STUDIO, ingame it doesn’t work, it doesn’t even work in a playergui with textbutton.


local Mouse = game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse()
	Mouse.Icon = "rbxassetid://12453006334"

Is that a bug?

It might be because the image isn’t loading in game…
In studio, it’s already there and preloaded.

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Roblox automatically updates the mouse icon. You can either loop it or use the following code to fix it.

mouse.Icon = "id"
	if mouse.Icon ~= "id" then
		mouse.Icon = "id"
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Unfortunately it did not work… Do you have any other ideas? There are no error messages and even if i put it in a textbutton it doesnt work

Have you tried looping it on render stepped? Are you sure the image hasn’t been moderated and isn’t having trouble loading? Try applying it to a decal and see if that works.

This issue could be because of how Roblox does their image moderation.

Roblox takes time to approve of an image.

Try to add this image on part and then use it. It helped me once