MouseLeave doesn't fire if Windows 10 Screenshot[Win+Shift+S] is used while still hovering the GuiObject

hello so i’ve accidently encountered an issue with MouseLeave where if you hover over a GuiObject, MouseEnter fires correctly but if you press Windows Key + Shift + S aka the screenshot feature on Windows 10 while still hovering the object, if your mouse leaves the gui object while the screenshot window is active MouseLeave never fires soo wondering is this something wrong with my code or is it a bug, very much do not wanna false report a bug these days
code is basically this

   infoFrame.Visible = true

   infoFrame.Visible = false

and finally heres a video

[NOTE - the second time when MouseLeave did fire i clicked/moved my mouse too early, it happens when i waited a bit longer]

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I think it’s Roblox’s problem and you can’t fix it by using a script.
This bug also happens for mobile when you hold your finger and swipe it.

ah ok, so I can report it with no issues correct?

You can report that to Roblox. But it doesn’t seems to be fixed easily.

gotcha, ill use GetGuiObjectsAtPosition() as a temporary workaround and report it to roblox, anyway thx for reassurance

you’re welcome.
glad that I could help.