MouseLeave needs to fire *before* MouseEntered for Adjacent GUI elements

I have a hand of cards.

I have wired up events such that the mouse cursor changes to a pointer when it is inside the bounds of a card GUI element.

Outside of the card GUI elements, I want the cursor to be an open hand.

If I overlap my cards, I am having problems because MouseEnter on the adjacent card is firing before MouseLeave fires on the card that I am leaving. I believe MouseLeave should always fire first, otherwise complicated GUI state management logic is going to be needed to accomplish what I want.

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This fix is in progress.

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Fastest fix ever.


Is it firing in the order I connect the handlers right now?

Just checked it’s not.

It’s intentionally firing in the wrong order.

It was already in progress :stuck_out_tongue:

Along with a bunch of other gui/input-related fixes. Soon TM

I think it fires in child order AKA undefined.

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ZIndex fixes too?

That one is a bit more involved. It would require new gui rendering code since it’s all based on the layer collector right now. It’s a conversation but I don’t see any reason it couldn’t be done, so maybe. I’m no rendering engineer though.