Hello! I would like to release an opensource train model of mine and share it on roblox and here on the forum.
Update list(click arrow)
Update as of December 2nd 2020
-Upgraded the look of the train
-Made some changes with the vehicle script so now if you want to apply changes with the Speed,Acceleration values while running studio it should update those changes thanks to the use of .Changed event. Heres more info about it Instance.Changed
– Properly welded and rigged the train with WeldConstraints
Update as of Dec 8 2020
– added UI buttons for easier control
.Throttle “F” is forward “N” is static(or none) “R” is reverse
.Speed Cap(adjust max speed when cruising)
You can get the train here!
Here it is on full view
How do I put it in my game?
First off make a rail that is 2 studs thick with a gap of 16 studs, picture shown below is how you do the measurements
After that your rail should look like this
Why is it so big that it needs a width of 16 studs??
Good question! I had to model the train on large scale so I can build up the some details like the lights, plough etc. etc. and turns out after the final product I can’t resize it to make it smaller even with the model resize plugin
Can it be drivable?
Technically yes, but the VehicleSeat is pretty high because I wanted the camera to position to the center of the train when you drive it.
To access the vehicle seat make sure you input a high value of the player’s jump power on your game settings around 50+ and you should land on this glowing part on the boiler, otherwise make a script when you press a key it will teleport you to the seat, otherwise make a ladder welded to the side of the piston
How to edit the Acceleration, Max Speed values?
You can edit these values provided;
Acceleration = 800million
MaxSpeed = 100(recommended)
Warning: If you put the MaxSpeed value above 200 the rods will suddenly come off
the wheels due to high acceleration
And then run the game! Done, you have your train functioning perfectly!