I don’t have too much justification for it other than in its current state the button is not clickable if you are not inside a script, and for the sake of consistency it should be in view. (I said consistency because the toolbox is for some reason under view, and the Advanced Objects menu acts with the same functionality, only for Instances instead of Free Models.)
Idk, I hate going to view and never seeing it there.
From what I recall, Ctrl+I opens up this menu too. I’ve basically used that so that I don’t have to keep changing tabs/whatever; but I can see the use for this because you would expect such a thing to be there (the toolbox is, so why isn’t advanced objects?)
It’s been an extremely long time since this was last mentioned, but I’d like to return attention to this request.
The Advanced Objects menu button belongs under the View tab.
When looking for a button to open a panel in Studio, I always go to the View tab. The View tab contains buttons for opening almost every panel Studio has to offer, so it’s extremely jarring when it does not contain the button for the Advanced Objects panel.
I actually only found the location of this button today after a long time spent searching.
I would expect this button to be beneath the Object Browser button in the Show group in the View tab:
While removing the Advanced Objects button from the Advanced button group in the Model tab is not necessary (there are duplicate buttons between the Home, Model, and View tabs, so having duplicates isn’t new), moving it out of the Advanced group would also make the rest of the icons in this group line up evenly again.
The Explorer and Properties buttons should be smaller, and stacked with the Game Explorer button. This would create enough space for another button in the Show group without changing the space requirements for the View tab (it currently uses nearly all of the horizontal space on my monitor without compressing icons).
Currently, despite being part of the Show group, these buttons don’t compress and group together with the rest of the buttons.