I have a 4 dropdown buttons, but the buttons below them appear above the dropdown, blocking the dropdown. I’ve already tried messing with the ZIndexs, but that hasn’t helped. So how could I move every other button down?
What do you mean by automatic size?
what did u set the value to for the zindexs (player dropdown vs other buttons)
It works, but whenever I scroll on the buttons the size messes up. I can show you a video if you’d like.
The container is 1, and the dropdowns inside are 2. The container is a scrollingframe.
Make the others transparent when you click one and make them visible when you click on it again.
I want to keep them visible though.
change zindexbehaviour and see if that fixes it for u
When I click on one and scroll on it, it just becomes ridiculously massive and breaks.
ehh strange, i think u still got the uilistlayouts and automatic size in it
I put the automatic size as Y, what can i do to fix this?
set the gui automaticsize to none
you probably will want to change zindexbehaviour to global instead of sibling
I already set it as global. I just need help fixing the weird resizing.
When I change it to none, it appears like this.
its cuz u have uilistlayout …30
I’m confused, what do you want me to do?
delete uilistlayout in the frame
But that’s what list them out?