Move along arc on Path2D from 2 positions on the arc

How can you move from 2 points, but follow the arc? I wanna move from say point 1-2, so I can just do


to get the Path2DControlPoint.Position for the 2 positions, but how can I move from those 2 positions, while also following the arc

Basically I want to get the t of each position, since GetPositionOnCurveArcLength needs an alpha between 0 - 1.

GetControlPoint(3) and GetControlPoint(4) will both return UDim2 values, but I want to get their t value on the path, like say they’re maybe 0.2 and 0.33 or whatever

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Roblox gave a snippet of code on how you can do this on their Release post that may help with this.

Read through the post, unfortunately neither snippets showcase what I am after