im currently tying to make an ability creating a sphere in front of the hand of the player, for that i use an annimation that i pause in a local script, then i fire a remote event and clone the ball, trying to move it to the arms position then move it in front of the arm makes it very random even just moving to to the arms position is kinda random i don’t really know what do to more
if input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.G then
Instead positing the sphere on the hand just make the sphere welded to the hand and make it massless so it doesn’t cuase any triple with the moving character.
doing that actually teleport me to the original redball
note that the redball is composed of a red small ball and another part as child to make some particle effect, both i use a weld contraint to keep them together, both of theme are unanchored and massless
I see what is happening here,
Somehow you have a Part inside it two parts and you just move the Part to the position but snice you have weld you will not move the childern that is welded so what you need is just weld the ParticlePart to RedReversalPoint so if you moved RedReversalPoint the children will move with it and make sure you weld it to the Part0.