Move buildings by coords plugin

Anyone know a plugin to move buildings by coordanates? If so please tell me

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What do you mean by ‘move buildings by coordinates’

I don’t believe anyone has made one.

like I have a really giant building and maybe you can move it by its coords instead of using the move toll because move tool crashes my studio because the building is so big.

Yea, like ORLANDOMAGIC00 said, I don’t think that exists.

Hey, uh… even if this plugin existed I doubt it would be practical to use it as it is way easier to just use the basic studio tools or any building extension and kit as coordinates can be a pain to get accurate.

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If you want to move a model to a specific coordinate, you can do one of two things:

  • Assign a PrimaryPart to the model by clicking on the PrimaryPart property, then clicking on the part that is in the center of your model.
    You can then run this in the command bar: Model:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(,PositionY,PositionZ))) where PositionX, PositionY and PositionZ are the coordinate numbers you want to move the model to.
  • Move the model with MoveTo in the command bar : Model:MoveTo(,PositionY,PositionZ))

You can also move the model to other parts as well by using their Position property. For more information, you can check out the API documentation pages here:


Thank you, you made building easier… (for me at least)