Hey, I have this little doubt.
What move constraints, (LinearVelocity, VectorForce, etc) should I use to get something like this?
In this video Im just changing the CFrame based on Pi and math.Cos, Sin, around the little box at the center. But Im confused on how to achieve this using move constraints
Any suggestion will be appreciated, thank you for ur time
June 24, 2022, 3:24am
You can just use a hinge constraint with the actuator set to Motor.
Thank you @RMofSBI , but I really want to use move constraints, I know how to do this with body movers, but seems like are deprecated or something
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June 24, 2022, 3:30am
You are then probably looking to use AngularVelocity , you can read about it here:
I guess the AngularVelocity its like “orbiting on ur own axis”
Relative to World
And relative to another attachment:
I tried to use linearVelocity, changing the direction Vector, but didnt work, and other constraints… Im lost on this topic tbh…
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June 24, 2022, 3:43am
I see… out of curiosity why not use the hinge constraint, this is what it was made to do?
to control characters that will have a base pivot while walking, so they walk in circles around a pivot that changes its position
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