Move model's center to origin

Hello, so I’ve been trying to move a model, so that the center of the bounding box of the model is at the origin (0,0,0). I need this to work regardless if the model has a PrimaryPart or not.

I have checked out some other threads with the same problem, and they pointed out model:SetPrimaryPartCFrame() and model:MoveTo(), which are not what I want, as they either rely on a primary part or an assembly root and my model isn’t guaranteed to have those.
Thanks in advance.

How are your Models created then? You can only position a Model using model:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(). If you set the CFrame, then it will only move one particular part. Otherwise, you would have to establish the offset of each Part from a Primary which sounds messy

My models are created by pressing Ctrl - G in the workspace. This means that normally they will not have a PrimaryPart.

You can only position a Model using model:SetPrimaryPartCFrame()

you can also use Model | Roblox Creator Documentation.

Otherwise, you would have to establish the offset of each Part from a Primary which sounds messy

I found a different way of doing it by adding a temporary Primary Part to the model and used Model | Roblox Creator Documentation.

Other than that, I’m not too sure what you meant with your post, however I found a solution. Let me know if there’s a better one, thanks

I don’t know if you want this to be used in game or just in studio. Regardless I made a function to move a model from the center.

function moveModel(model, destination: CFrame, shouldDelete)
	if shouldDelete == nil then shouldDelete = true end
	local oldPrimary = model.PrimaryPart

	--creates invisible bounding box as the primary part
	local box ="Part", workspace)
	box.Transparency = 1
	box.Name = "modelBox"	
	box.CFrame, box.Size = model:GetBoundingBox()
	box.Parent = model
	model.PrimaryPart = box
	--deletes the invisible bounding box if u dont want it
	if shouldDelete then
		model.PrimaryPart = oldPrimary

--Setting model origin to (0, 0, 0)

Let me know if it’s being used in-game or in studio

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