(MOVE) Players able to control their body? Hack?

So this is very recent, but I have been noticing a lot more players doing it. I first noticed this back in March, where a player was type ng, and able to move their arms all around themselves, and punch me with their charter’s arms. I know this cannot be VR, as this is not possible, from my knowledge.

More recently, players have started bending over, and fake HUMPING each other. I really want to know if I would be falsely banning these users if I were to say exploits. Because of my knowledge, this is almost certainly exploits. A picture of a singular user doing it can be found below. Please help me.

and here

I do see that he did say UNFOLLOW but at this point, he was faking a lot of things, so I think that is a fake command.

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Looks like an exploit to me. I would still try and fix it though. For now you could just ban them. I have never made a game before but just going off of what I have seen.

Perfect. I heard that he uses an autoclicker and spams the suite case. But I sam still aware of the other glitch, where someone moves their handss.

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I’ve seen this issue recently in a lot of café games, I’m not sure what this exploit is either. I’ve seen people flopping randomly on the ground, walking on fours, and doing custom dances not included in the game. Banning them is a good idea, what they are doing is breaking the Terms of Service and also is inappropriate.

Since it is updating to the server, you can make an anti exploit. This is clearly an exploit unless you created your own emote/animation (which I doubt you did).

Since you really can’t seem to justify if this is a fault on your game or them actually using exploits I wouldn’t ban them. These exploits aren’t causing issues with gameplay. If what you said about autoclickers is true then you are better off adding debounces to your script. The second image you posted I could see the autoclicker thing being the cause of the issue given the rotation of his torso and arm does suggest he was using a tool.

Unless you can prove this is not an issue with your code 100% you shouldn’t be banning players for this. Since if you can do this by just rapidly equipping and equipping a tool it may lead to issues.

Well, since players have network ownership over their characters, I wouldn’t really be surprised if this occurred.
There are also VR exploits out there that allow full body movement, etc.

Players are able to control their body because they have NetworkOwnership. You can ban them if they become disruptive or you can implement your own Server-Authoritative model. There are drawbacks - namely lag and lack of player feedback, but at least problems like this would be a lot less practical via exploits. This model hasn’t yet been widely adopted in Roblox because it has so many practical flaws that make it very difficult to really pull off. It may be a little much for your game so this may not be a fix for you.

But if it is an error in your code, do check it out. You can ban who you please if you feel they are disruptive, but remember that it’s a bandage fix and doesn’t actually address the issue.