Move ScreenGui To BillboardGui

Hey guys, does any of you know how I can safely replace a screengui with a billboardgui without issues?

When i tried copying every child in the screengui, move it to billboardgui, and placed it on a part, it appeared like this:


It’s supposed to look like this:


I know I can scale it to fix it but that will take a lot of time.
Does any of you know a plugin or something?


You’re BillboardUI has “ClipDescendants” on most likely, and is sized too small.

Thought you were a UI designer for 2 years.

Just scale the Billboard

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You didn’t read the last sentence.
I know I can set the size to scale, but if i set it to the billboard, it doesn’t work.
And if I rescale every item inside of the billboard, that will take hours.
I was just asking to see if there is a plugin or something useful or helpful for this