Move trade requests to the notifications tab

Currently trade requests come to the users personal message inbox. This generates a lot of clutter, especially considering trades are overwhelmed by bots and automated trading accounts. I dislike coming home to having dozens of trade requests. I do not want to disable trades because I occasionally receive one I like.

It would be much better if trade requests were moved to the new notifications tab. Not only would it not be as disruptive, but it would also keep trade requests in an easily available area. I prefer my inbox to be directly message related.


One of my accounts has literally over 10k unread messages from the trade system.

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I just recently started trading again and after less than an hour of trading I’ve accumulated over 2 pages of trade messages. I also develop games and really try to read all of my messages that my players send me. If we could have an option to disable trade messages that would help immensely.