MoveBox Clipping Through Places

So I have a forcefield union welded to the hrp of the player, which is the ONLY part with canCollide set to true.
Somehow it clips through small places. Fixes?

Suppose there’s a wall in front of me and I hold down W, it collides with the wall for like 1 second and then suddenly barges in it, ignoring the collision of the forcefield.

I’m not letting go of the W here. it collides for a short duration of time, but then clips through fsr.

EDIT: Still not fixed. anyone got any solutions? I’ve tried parts, Unions, Meshparts


why do you use union they are very buggy and it affect performance of game use meshes

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meshes don’t clip? That’d be great!

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i mean try it with a roblox cylinder part

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dont work even with cylinders :confused:

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