Moved (working on another game)

Moved Since i am working on another based of the roblox website


I will make a model whenever i am free

Asking an user to create a “new” password is very insecure; It can be considered scam. I would recommend you to add another type of validation such as using a RemoteEvent to – whitelist Alt1 with Alt2 and viceversa – so they can swap data everytime with any alt account (and remember to kick the active alts after both successfully swapped data).

So you are saying i should add a whitelist system which the player can whitelist their alts. To make it more secure?

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Exactly, you’re recreating the Roblox signup & login, which is a ban risk.

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I have a few suggestions; use more variables for readability, replace wait() globals with the task.wait() library, and make the experience itself seem more creative.

Currently, you are constantly referencing the same paths which could be reduced by using a few variables. You are also using the now deprecated wait() method which throttles, using the task.wait() is more reliable. Storing “passwords” can also be malicious as players could input their actual password, complicating your validity as a good experience on Roblox.

You could make it simulate like the player is inputting a password if you really want that to be apart of your game, but it instead just checks if the player is apart of a whitelist, as suggested by OMQ_Kevin666.

Apart from that, good work!

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its was a passion project thanks for letting me know

I made this as a runs and kinda recreating the same variables i will make it more clear thxs for letting me know. I made a huge warning signs for the username and password i the following says that you should input your roblox password and you shouldn’t input your roblox username since i set up my mongo db very weak which can lead to passwords being leaked. You can check it via link

can i lower the risk by adding way more warnings?

People can be gullible and tend to not read warnings, it is best that you add some sort of animation of a person inputting a password rather than actually allowing them to input text. Players could also overflow a datastore key if you allow them to put too much text into the selection or even put malicious text into the entry, which can cause issues later down the line.

Roblox may interpret this as a violation of their Community Standards > Security > Misusing Roblox Systems. It is best to stay on the safe side!

can you give me an example of the animation system?

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You could do a random amount of asterisks inside of the “password” field to make it appear like you are putting in information.

Password: ******

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So everytime they input a letter it will be *

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Yeah, you could do it that way. Whatever makes your experience fit to your design!

Can you find me a form of it please i can’t seem to make it, For now i added a system where your password should be 4 or more letters long

Here is a crude markup:

for index = 1, math.random(minimum_length, maximum_length) do
	task.wait(0.25) -- For effect, so it seems like it is being typed
	TextLabel.Text = TextLabel.Text .. "*"

I have a cencorship system where you would censor the text but i can’t store the original text