:MoveTo() Doesn't move to exact position

I’m making a game where you can fight bosses/zombies etc… The final boss can be transformed by an admin to a even stronger version of it self giving different loot. But Im in a bit of a problem. When I move a moddel to the position of the NPC’s Torso, Naturally Its goes on top of it even though can colide is disabled. Here’s my code

-- Commands
function onChatted(msg, recipient, speaker) 
	-- Convert to all lower case 
local Shade = game.Workspace.Shade
	local source = string.lower(speaker.Name)
	msg = string.lower(msg)
	if (msg == "Clockwork") and (speaker.Name) == "KrampusX12" then
    game.ReplicatedStorage.Locksmith.Parent = game.Workspace.Shade
    Shade.Humanoid.MaxHealth = 1000000000000
     Shade.Humanoid.Health = 1000000000000
	  game.ReplicatedStorage.Value.Value = 3

game.Workspace.Shade.Torso.Anchored = true
local Clone = game.ReplicatedStorage.Transformation:Clone()
Clone.Parent = game.Workspace


function onPlayerEntered(newPlayer) 
	newPlayer.Chatted:connect(function(msg, recipient) onChatted(msg, recipient, newPlayer) end)


Is their an alternative way to send the model to the position of the NPC’s Torso without it bugging or anything


Use instead of the part the actual position like for example,

Clone:MoveTo(1.72, 0.5, 2.98)

Addition to this, get its humanoid first.

humanoid:MoveTo(1.72, 0.5, 2.98)

Their code is completely fine, they’re providing a Vector3 Position to Model::MoveTo. Also, MoveTo takes a Vector3 - not a tuple of numbers.


Sorry, I completely forgot about that.


Adding to replies above, MoveTo() has a second optional argument for specifying a part you want the Humanoid to follow. This is useful for when the part is moving. Just more food for thought.

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An addition to how it looks like. image
The black figure is the NPC. The configuration should look as if the NPC is in the center.

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:MoveTo() doesn’t allow you to collide with parts. If you are teleporting them inside a part, you will most likely pop up/down/on the side of it depending where you end up being teleported to (easily explained, to dumb this down, I believe.)

However, SetPrimaryPartCFrame doesn’t have this behavior, use that if you really need to.
Personally, I highly suggest SetPrimaryPartCFrame over any other methods.

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