MoveTo() has been Buggy recently

I can confirm this bug in studio and play solo. I have not tried in server mode. So basically I have a model with a part inside (part2) and a part (part1). Part1 is on one side of the map at position of -418.031, 107.309, 2557.59 and part2 is at a position of 0,0,0. So I run this code in the command bar:


The result? Part2 ends up at a position no where near the position of part1. If I move part1 closer to part2, MoveTo() behaves as expected. I also do not know when this has been happening, but I do know that it has worked before no matter what position.

Here’s a gif showing the bug:


I’d love for this to be fixed pronto because I’m in need of it.

This bug also occurs with welded things. Setting the primary part of a model to a part, then using SetPrimaryPartCFrame the part was WAY off. This definitely had to do with welding unions though.

Same with characters spawning too (at least in play solo) with the default spawnlocation.

It’s based on the part’s distance from 0,0,0.

roblox tends to get glitchy as you get far out, but this is a new bug I’ve also noticed