I have an npc i want to move, it is a small npc though,but when i set its speed too fast, it slides, is there a way to fix it?
2021-07-06 21-01-07|video
sorry for lag.
I have an npc i want to move, it is a small npc though,but when i set its speed too fast, it slides, is there a way to fix it?
2021-07-06 21-01-07|video
sorry for lag.
Could you try adding custom physics settings on the model? Maybe increasing friction.
How is the npc moved?
im using moveto function to move the npc
Can you paste your code here so I can see it?
I also found this tutorial about moving NPCs
that is not the problem, when i speed up the npc more then 16, it starts to slide, i want to make not do that.
Could you try anchoring the NPC once Humanoid.MoveToFinished fires? Just put a wait() then un-anchor it.
im going to try that right now.
Thanks! it would’ve taken me hours without you!
Awesome! I’m glad you got it working!