:MoveTo() Stutters behind player and never catches up

Hey, guys! So I’ve been having a problem with the :MoveTo() function. I’m using it in a NPC, and the NPC always gets close to the player, before it just never catches up. I’ve set the network owner to the server, and the walkspeed is 50 (the player’s is 24). Here’s my code and a video of my problem:

while runServ.Heartbeat:Wait() do	
	local target = FindTarget()
	if target then
		until FindTarget() ~= target or not target:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")

robloxapp-20220306-0818419.wmv (3.5 MB)

Any help is appreciated. = )

Is this a roblox bug? If any of y’all know the solution, please tell me. :C

Its an Network Latency problem, on the server you’re in a different position compared to the Client, you could be 5 studs away from a house while in the server you barely moved. What is happening I assume is the Dummy is already “bumping/touching” your server side character thus it stops then moves again when your position updates in the server, try slowing the dummy down and check if it still happens.

Thanks! I’ll try that. = D (extra characters so I can send this)