I need help on that, I’ll explain what I mean and try to answer if you want more detail what I mean of “Movie” UI Edge
What does “Movie” UI Edge / Border mean?
What I mean is that that the upper and bottom screen is black, just like in a movie the upper and bottom screen is like dark, but in the big middle you can see. I show an example what I mean, also credit goes to Life of an otaku
Why do you need this?
I’m making a sort of scene when you go to sleep, and the whole screen goes black. After your sleep your screen is back up (That was an example aswell).
Edit: Apologise for my quality for the screenshot or for the whole topic, I’ll try to improve better.
May 1, 2021, 6:01pm
Couldn’t you just make 2 frames, one at the top and one at the bottom, then colour them to be black?
So you would like to make the frames go in and out?
Unfortunately, it won’t work, but only for the bottom. I’ll edit this reply and show what I mean.
Here is the footage
May 1, 2021, 6:04pm
You’d probably have to change the AnchorPoint property.
One frame would be like,
Size = 1,0,0.05,0
Position = 0,0,0,-36
AnchorPoint = 0,0
And the other would be
Size = 1,0,0.05,0
Position = 0,0,1,0
AnchorPoint = 0,1
I’m a bit new into UI’s and all that, but does “in and out” something has to do with Tweening?
May 1, 2021, 6:06pm
Yeah, you’d have to offset it 36 pixels to take into account the space the TopBar takes.
You’d probably have to change the AnchorPoint property.
One frame would be like,
Size = 1,0,0.05,0
Position = 0,0,0,-36
AnchorPoint = 0,0
And the other would be
Size = 1,0,0.05,0
Position = 0,0,1,0
AnchorPoint = 0,1
May I ask which frame is this:
Size = 1,0,0.05,0
Position = 0,0,0,-36
AnchorPoint = 0,0
And which frame is this
Size = 1,0,0.05,0
Position = 0,0,1,0
AnchorPoint = 0,1
If you never used tween service, i recommend you this video.
Since tween service is a really useful, it can animate most of the properties of an object.
May 1, 2021, 6:08pm
Doesn’t matter. One frame should have one set of properties, the other should have the other set of properties.
Do you mean letterboarding? That’s what the black bars are called.
1 Like
I’m new into tweening and all that and I’m a bit aware of some structures of it, but thank you for the video and tip!
Letterboarding is exactly what I needed, is there perhaps a tutorial for that? But @7z99 tip was also useful
I mean, is this an animation? 30
Well technically not an animation, but there are pretty much cutscenes in my game.
I have no idea how to do it other than in an animation
Try enabling " IgnoreGuiInset" on the GUI
1 Like
its a gui animation dude.
Come on
I’ll try that, and edit my reply.
Edit: It worked! Thank you a lot
1 Like
You could have only say “It’s a gui animation.” Without that “dude” or “Come on” or something similar. I’m new into UI and all that