A while back, I uploaded a gamepass onto one of my experiences which later was turned into a sub-place for another experience, which got the remainder of future gamepasses. Something that I’ve failed to do for the past few years is get the first gamepass back to being on the start place of the experience rather than being locked to a sub place under it. Is there any way to do this?
Current Situation:
Desired Outcome:
Experience in question: 💙 Databrawl Roleplay - Roblox
Desired pass to move: Character Pack #1 - Roblox
You basically need to create a script that scans your inventory for this gamepass you want to transfer, example:
local gamepass = 'GamepassId Here'
local function onPlayerAdded(player):
local function onCharacterAdded(character)
if MarketplaceService:UserOwnsGamepassAsync(player.UserId, gamepass) then
for i = 1, #toolnames do
local tool = toolsParent:FindFirstChild(toolnames[i])
if tool then
local clone = tool:Clone()
clone.Parent = player.Backpack
if player.Character then
on characterAdded(player.Character)
Crude example ^ of a local function that will be the gamepass ID obviously now you just need to convert the rest. This also requres a part, I recommend pasting the script into the part and placing the part on the spawn point. Then we just need an FireEvent if the part is touched.
and then add the same function to it as it is in the lobby. I suppose this is a story game.
This is not what I asked for. I need the gamepass, currently under a sub-place, to display on the store of the starter place. It is a site issue, not an in-experience one.
Ooohhh sorry, I do not know on how to create a gamepass like that. Sorry I cannot help you in this situation.