Moving Accessories with Rig & Existing Animation - Motor6D, MoonAnimator, RobloxAnimator

Ultimately, I want Accessories to move with the animations I already have. This has proven to be difficult with my custom character and rig overall.

Previously Accessories would move with Parts, as the StarterCharacter was made up of separate meshes. However, to get more control over animation, I put all meshes together in Blender and Rigged the model with Bones. I remade all my animations with MoonAnimator only to realize that Accessories no longer move with the character like I want them to.

Thus, I’ve tried various ways of fixing this problem. Welds to the main mesh itself don’t work. Because then the weld moves with, well, the entire mesh, not just the Head or whatever. Here’s a video I made explaining my issue with Motor6D, Roblox’s Animator, and MoonAnimator:

ignore the crap mic, it’s all I got.

Ideas? :pray:

This fixed my issue:

What you should really do is add all of the attachments that are inside the R15 character that are used for accessories and place them in your new rig with the attachments above! This will allow you to use native roblox hats and accessories without messing with them!
Another thing is you should use individual part Instances with the rigid constraints. place inside the part instance your attachment (1 part per attachment), orient the bone how you want it inside the bone you want to connect to set the rigid constraints attachment0 → bone attachment1 your attachment inside the part

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