Recently I’ve stuck on one problem making AI for NPC in my game.
The problem is, I can’t figure how to get perpendicular direction against wall, but at the side where NPC has moved.
Here is what I trying to achieve:
Feel free to ask question, I’ll try to answer!
once you casted the ray and it hit the wall, try this
local direction = rig.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame.LookVector * 50 -- This is the direction im using, change this to yours
local perpdirection = direction:Cross(Vector3.new(0,50,0))
:Cross just returns the perpendicular vector between two vectors. The perpendicular direction isn’t going up into the sky so we use that as the parameter
And I got this.
Ray not going like on this screenshot, it’s opposition of what I trying to achieve
Never mind, I’ve just fixed this problem
Just remain to get dot product of character direction and orthogonal direction, and multiply orthogonal direction by it.
Um ok… what is orthogonal direction? Just asking
The perpendicular vector I’ve mean.
I was experimenting with Cross just now so Im still quite new to it
Me either, this is my first time doing this kinda stuff
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