Moving Baggage Claim Conveyor Texture Anims using Beams

So previously I had used a beam for a conveyor animation on another conveyor. I made this baggage claim (this baggage claim is meshed), but then I have been trying to figure out how to use a beam for the conveyor animation on it like I did on another conveyor. My goal here is to make a continuous moving conveyor texture. The main issue for me is the curve on one side of the baggage claim. I’ve tried using separate beams and syncing them, but then they lose sync, and I’ve tried to use the same sized beams on the conveyor, one after another (specifically for the curve), so it could maybe keep sync, but none of these solutions seemed to work. I’ve attached a picture of the conveyor I am trying to do this on. Any solutions or alternatives that I could try?

EDIT: I have just ended up successfully making the curves and stuff, but I still had to use multiple beams, and it is a shame that I am unable to sync them, as it doesn’t look as good as if they were synced, but, I gotta work with what I’ve got. I am sure what this post was about would be useful to other people as well, so if anyone has got a solution feel free to reply.

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Ahh. I don’t know how to sync this i hope you manage to fix your error!