Moving camera while scrolling

If you’re moving your camera, and you scroll, your camera will stop rotating at all, and it’s super annoying, as I rotate my camera and scroll at the same time in a lot of games, at first I thought my RMB was failing on my mouse, but I finally figured it out, please fix this, it makes it hard to play games! Thanks! :]

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6th thread, lol Admin response on #1 <:

Thanks, I haven’t noticed any other threads on it, sorry for not looking xD

Oh, so my mouse isn’t broken. Good to know. :slight_smile:

lol it’s no problem, thank you for reporting it anyway

This should be fixed. Can you give some more details about the issue? Is this in all games or only some?

I can tell you it does not happen in Berezza’s place. Seems to be an exception.

EDIT: is this something that might have caused it?

AFAIK the scrolling behavior being broken only happened recently, and the commit seems to fit the timeframe.

He’s probably using a custom CameraScript PlayerScript. One of the benefits of scriptable camera/control code :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m not getting it anymore now… so it might be some places, or it’s fixed now

I found the bug:
When you scroll the wheel, the input.Delta becomes 0.

EDIT: this is because the mouse position unlocks.

That seems to be the bug in a nutshell. I have no idea how the other games are doing it unless they use player:GetMouse() or something to overcome the UIS bug.

EDIT 2: Pull Request incoming…

EDIT 3: Here’s your pull request: