Moving non humanoid object around with mobile joystick UI

Most posts on the devforum just explain how to use the charqacter module, but in such case I can’t rely on the character module.

Like moving the thumbstick ‘up’ should be foward in 3d space, down is back, etc

You have no other option than to use the character module…

Not really much help, since I cant use the character, but I’m looking at unity project source code rn

No bro you edit the module to control ur non humanoid object

Nah I already got it working lol, I just need to figure out how to rotate said vector3 to the look vector of said non humanoid object.

Alright Everyone, I’ve figured it out, for context I was attempting to control the players camera with the thumbstick for mobile devices, and I’m pretty satisfied with the results :+1: