So I have this spotlight (cylinder part) I want it to move back and fourth (Just like Jailbreak).
But its just lerping back and forth. Just its lerping fast and it doesn’t stop. But in Jailbreak, it suppose to stop for a short second (under than 1 second). Because in jailbreak, in the museum, the lasers move slower when they reached the finish point then stops less than a second. Hmm, if theres a way of doing it similar to jailbreak…
The video of it lerping:
The problem is, it is lerping fast and not stopping. I want it to move like jailbreak. Is there a way of doing the lerping like in Jailbreak? HELP!! Since the museum was added in jailbreak, the lasers where smoothly lerping back and forth. Hmm, does it use bodymovers or just a script?
I’ve tried looking for some videos but its not the best method. I tried their tutorials but it didn’t seem to lerp like jailbreak. I am not trying to copy, just needing to know how it was done.
local startpart = script.Parent.Spotlight
local start = script.Parent.Start
local approachingpart = script.Parent.Finish
local startcf = start.CFrame
local endcf = approachingpart.CFrame
-- The Lerp Thing
while true do
-- Forward
for per = 0.05, 1.00, wait() do
startpart.CFrame = startcf:lerp(endcf, per)
-- Lerp Back
for per = 0.05, 1.00, wait() do
startpart.CFrame = endcf:lerp(startcf, per)
Please do not criticise me! I’m not trying to copy Jailbreak, just needed to know that how it was done by Jailbreak. If any of you know any ways of lerping it like jailbreak, reply below. Any suggestions that I should put into the code, tell me. Any questions? Reply below.