Hello! I’m trying to make a basketball-like game but I’m stuck on one part. How would I make one part (the basketball) shoot up and eventually land in the hoop (second part)? I want it to be like the arc you get when you shoot a basketball in real life.
Excuse the great drawing. Ik it’s easy to make it follow the red path into the target, but I need it to follow the blue path from any point on the map. How could i do this?
For X and Z, we can lerp normally but we will use the math above to modify Y to make the arc.
local accumDt = 0
local lerpTime = 5
function lerp(a, b, t)
return a + (b - a) * t
local startPart = workspace.Start
local finishPart = workspace.Finish
local movePart = workspace.Move
local yOffset = 5 -- add height to ball, for making arc
local renderConnect:RBXScriptConnection
renderConnect = game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:Connect(function(dt)
accumDt = math.min(accumDt + (dt / lerpTime), 1) -- maximum 1
local lerpedPos = startPart.Position:Lerp(finishPart.Position, accumDt)
local lerpedPosY = lerpedPos.Y -- modify Y position to not make it go straight like X and Z axis
local slerpYOffset = math.sin(math.pi * accumDt) * yOffset -- arc math here
movePart.Position = Vector3.new(lerpedPos.X, lerpedPosY + slerpYOffset, lerpedPos.Z) -- assemble again!
if accumDt == 1 then
You can check out the demo below: Arc Fly.rbxl (53.4 KB)
Oh yeah btw is there a way I could make it collide with things since right now if there is something like an obstacle in the way it phases through it thanks
Not gonna lie, thats just moving the part to a desired location without any physics meaning it cant miss or anything so nothing like a basketball. If you are looking for phyics thats different
Instead of setting the movePart.Position to the next location, you can make a Tween that does it over the dt timeframe.
If it’s a basketball, you can add this basketball:Touched function
if otherPart == Backboard then
stopArc = true -- check this boolean when calculating the position of ball,
--so that it stop its arc when landing in the goal, in the function where
--you are calculating the ball arc
-- Normal gravity physics will take over since stopArc = true,
--the basketball can hit the backboard and still later fall through the goal
-- You may want to apply the velocity that the ball should have here
--so that the ball doesn't just unnaturally start falling down with an
--initial velocity of 0 after obviously travelling through the air
else if otherPart == Goal then -- Have a part in the goal that will detect if a
-- basketball lands in the hoop
stopArc = true
goalLanded = true -- check this boolean when calculating the position
--of ball, so it sets up the flag for checking to add score
-- Here you can do another Tween that will animate the ball from a place
--defined inside the hoop to below on the ground
if goalLanded then
Score() -- some score function to add point to whatever team scored