So I was working on a train Bogie for my new project and I was placing around some bricks with the moving tool in Roblox Studio, but just for one brick it wouldn’t stay in place… Collisions were off but it just wouldn’t stay in it’s position.
The Z position value of it was 837.6, as I tried to move it to 837.5 it moved back to 837.6 without any command, it simply wouldn’t stay in that position! I made a GIF of it to show you how annoying it actually can be.
[quote] So I was working on a train Bogie for my new project and I was placing around some bricks with the moving tool in Roblox Studio, but just for one brick it wouldn’t stay in place… Collisions were off but it just wouldn’t stay in it’s position.
The Z position value of it was 837.6, as I tried to move it to 837.5 it moved back to 837.6 without any command, it simply wouldn’t stay in that position! I made a GIF of it to show you how annoying it actually can be.