I would like to be able to change the sound locality of a position for when I want a security camera. You could see the thing with a viewport but you would not able to hear what is going on at that security camera. How do you would able to does it.
Oh hello there, I haven’t been on the forum for a while but lets see if I can help.
Did you try placing a sound in a part in the workspace? Usually having a sound play in inside a part in the workspace make the sound play from that very part, only problem is that all players can hear it though, so if that isn’t what you want, then try writing a script for sound location.
For you, I would just make an localscript that is getting all game:Descendants()
local getstandardvolume= {object = 1}
then if descendant is a sound it just changes volume. and then you just do .Volume = getstandardvolume[v]