I want to move the hotbar, but dont have the faintest idea where to start. I dont want a custom one, just a one i can change the position of. I cannot find anything online so could someone point me in the right direction please?
Why do you want to move the hotbar?
If you’re specifically referring to the tool hotbar, it is a CoreGui, so it cannot be changed unless you’re using a CoreScript, which only roblox engineers use. You’d have to make a custom one and disable the original coregui
Oh, ok. Do you know any good methods of custom hot bars?
Here’s what I’d recommend: In studio settings check show hidden objects, playtest the game, copy the hotbar gui from core gui, and paste it into starter gui. Then you can change whatever you want on it.
I was told you cant modify coregui
You can make it transparent and after customize it as you want.
Script for it:
local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local plrGui = plr:WaitForChild("PlayerGui")
Using studio’s explorer and settings, you can view and modify the CoreGui in studio. There is no way to do this with code, however, making this one of the best viable options.