Hi, how can I make this UIGradient infinitely move sideways with TweenService, I already have a rainbow gradient but I want it to move sideways like this:
Here is my explorer:
You can do this two ways, utilise TweenService
or put it in a infinite loop.
In theory, all you have to do is loop the Offset
property in the UIGradient
, there should be a Scale
value in it and it goes from 0 to 1, you can tween it all the way to 1 and then after the tween finishes, reset it to 0 and restart the tween.
January 18, 2024, 11:40am
sigh Why can people not care to search? You have google just type some words!!
Here you go.
Its a local script and its inside a UI Gradient with 6 colors, I thought since there’s 6 key points that the range should be 6. I don’t know if I’m doing this right though.
local grad = script.Parent
local t = 1
local range = 6
while wait() do
local loop = tick() % t / t
local colors = {ColorSequence.new{
Hey y’all!
Before we start on this wonderful tutorial, I just wanted to say... <a class="lightbox" href="//devforum-uploads.s3.dualstack.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/uploads/original/4X/a/b/4/ab4fe302cd3cda35a8356ff1ec5c19a670710581.jpeg" data-download-href="/uploads/short-url/oruNQKbnxEpCqeWOQxZHbFiwXyp.jpeg?dl=1" title="image" rel="noopener nofollow ugc">[image]</a>
Fun fact: tomorrow’s <a href="https://www.google.com/…
How to make Moving Gradient
First and for most, you need to know how to use ColorSequence.new() . My script is not smooth, but it works. Sorry about that. When I make a fully modular script, ill update this posrt
How ColorSequence Works
So ColorSequence has 2 parameters. The first parameter is the position of the color (anywhere from 0 - 1). The second parameter is the color, this part is to tell at what color should display.
Moving Gradient
To make a Moving Gradient, what you …
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Can I have a script? I would appreciate it…