Moving weld part

Then you have to use trigonometric functions to determine the angle, bring the C0 up to there with a function and done, or you do that if the player uses this attack, that he cannot move.

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But the problem is not moving the arm there. The problem is to do a side resizing, for that I need C0 ecc. Don’t ask me why it did that instead of side resizing but the objective is that.Thank you for active answering.

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Actually, I managed to get it to move using tweens, but it’s overly complicated, albeit very smooth. However if his intention is just to move it then using the :MoveTo() function would work wonders

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I can’t use moveto(), i need a smooth moving system, C0 worked but non in the right direction, I want understand why it was in the wrong direction… Right, how do you get the rank under the name? Like programmer, scripter ecc…

I have to say the opposite, it worked but look how badly. It acted strangely.

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