Moving weldconstraints with Size tweens

I’m making a flattening hydraulic press for my game, and to do this, I’ll need to change the Size property of the part holding the main press (The part circled in the image below).

I’ve unanchored the main press part and used a WeldConstraint to weld it to the rod part, but tweening the Size does not move the press with it.

P.S: I cannot simply tween the CFrame and have the rest of the rod through the ceiling

The only thing that moves welds with it when tweening is CFrame

What you can do is tween the position of the bottom hydraulic while tweening the size of the rod.

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Will the Part be CanCollide true? If not then you can put a BlockMesh in it and just Tween the Scale and Offset of the BlockMesh to make it look like the Part is getting bigger.

(Just thinking about it, hydraulic cylinders are cylindrical because otherwise the seals would leak at the corners.)

Dont’ weld the Part to the plate. Tween it to move half the speed of the press plate, then you can tween the Size of it as well. This places it halfway between the plate and ceiling at all times, and makes it look like it’s attached.

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And @Polygonizised
Tweening just the size will make it stick out the top of the ceiling if it’s Anchored, or stick out the bottom of the plate if it’s welded to the plate.

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