MrObsil's Atmospheric Particle Kit

Hello, I am MrObsil; I am a Builder, Atmospheric Artist and Visual Effects Artist on ROBLOX. Most of the days I spend more time on re-fining the atmosphere and effects of a place. I held the effects to myself for a long while now, until I once day released a Fire Particle which only received great feedback and I saw it being used in many front-page games and by builders which put a smile on my face; so today I give the developers a helping hand by releasing a realistic particle kit!

Only requesting in-game or game description credit if using any of these resources! This kit is handy for the people who wish to gain more knowledge on the properties of effects, good for the people who wish to make their place stand out more and even better for the people who like making magic such as myself! :smiley:

  • By utilizing my publicly released particle kit, you agree that you are not able to sell any of the given assets that are provided in any way, shape or form.

Pictures of the VFX

List of Assets

  • Fire Particles
  • Waterfall
  • Vortex’s
  • Barriers
  • Lava Particle
  • Torch Particles
  • Other Mystical Particles

Link to the assets: Realistic Particle Kit by MrObsil - Roblox

Any other questions may be asked on my twitter here


These particles look like they don’t even belong in roblox, they look amazing, keep up the good work.


thats a copy of roblox studio or what?


When you say we can’t sell it, does that mean we can’t use it in a game? or not able to use it for a commision?

I won’t have an issue with using it in a commission as long as I get some type of credit for it.