MSAASamples over 4x disables viewport frames

FIntDebugForceMSAASamples over 4 causes viewport frames to not appear.


Expected behavior

to fix this, limit the FInt Debug Force MSAA Samples setting to 4.

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Is this flag related to a currently in-production feature that’s actually been rolled out to users? If not, I’m not sure why you’re reporting a bug with a flag - heaps of random flags have bugs with them

I think it’s not an issue to report it, since if I don’t, no one’s going to fix it.

It caused me an one hour headache, since I thought 16x was the max.

What does the flag do? How do you turn it on as a normal Roblox user? If it’s some random flag you plucked out of nowhere via a flag editor, it’s practically intended for random flags to have bugs with them and by editing your flags you acknowledge that

I found it from a github repo, for potato pcs, using fflags, I saw MSSA samples being set to 0, and i set it 16x which made my game look sharper, I used it to record some things with OBS and Moon animator.

It’s not a useless, random flag, it can be useful, to add antilasting.

Okay. I doubt this is going to be fixed as this flag is not used in production from what I can tell.

That’s okay, It doesn’t need to be fix, this can be here for other people who messed with some FFlags to find out why their viewport frames stopped working.

Thanks for the report! I filed a ticket in our internal database.

Hi, thank you for your report! From our assessment, this bug is caused by changing non-public user facing configurations. Because these are non-public, we unfortunately don’t have a fix for this. Let me know if you have any questions!


Oh I didn’t think of that, I guess I’ll keep it on 4x.

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