MSK | Guidelines


Here at MSK, we have multiple guidelines that everyone has to follow. Whether you’re a patient or a staff member, anything below is required in regards as to how you act.

  • Be respectful towards everyone and anyone, no matter their rank. Showing disrespect or making rude remarks will lead to consequences.

  • Refrain from trolling, exploiting, spamming, or anything in between. Depending on what you do, and in some cases how severe it was, consequences will occur.

  • Anything that you say or do, you’ll be held accountable for it. Think with common sense.

  • All sales are final. Anything that you purchase such as merchandise, in-game products, gamepasses, etc. is non-refundable.

  • Try not to speak about drama of other people or groups, it will only cause chaos.

  • While in MSK-related games follow all ROBLOX ToS.

  • Anything that a moderator does in-game is final, and you shouldn’t argue about it. If you feel that a moderator+ took action that was invalid, go to an Administration member about it.

If you notice a player in-game violating one of our rules, please report it to an Intern+ as soon as possible.