Multi-cursor ignores square and curly brackets


After using alt-click in the script editor to enable multicursor, typing “[” or “{” will only insert a character at the location of one of the cursors. “(” works as expected, though.

I tried changing keyboard layout to see if US layout worked, but the same bug happens.

Added: The issue seems to depend on one of the cursors to be on the very last line of the script.
I am using Studio version: 0.658.0.6580461 (64bit), with no plugins enabled. I am using windows 11 on ARM64.

Expected behavior

In the screenshot, I expected “[” and “{” to be present in every line, not only “(”

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Seems to be a bug on your side only.

Maybe try reinstalling studio?

It happens on me and alt + shift + f doesnt work too

it just works on first selected line


Thanks for filing this. Do you have any plugins that use the ScriptEditor API? It might interfere with the AutoComplete for multicursor.

I have disabled all plugins and beta features, restarted studio and still get issues with multicursor.

I can see that more specifically that when the issue is present, this happens: For any keypress while I am holding Alt-GR key, a character gets inserted only on the first cursor location. For example any of "[{|" . If I release Alt-GR and press some other key, the character again gets inserted at every cursor location.

This only starts happening if at one point the last multicursor is on the last line in the script that has text in it.

Thank you for the extra info, we updated the ticket description and will address the issue as soon as we can.