One of my lesser known games (Infection) features a lobby (80 Max Players) and then the Maps (10 Max Players.) To play, people group up and go on an adventure. However, when they die it sends them back to the lobby.
I currently have my game Server Fill to “Fill Each Server as full as possible,” however, I notice when players teleport back to the Lobby it often places them in a new server. How can I fix this?
When I send them back, i’ve just been using:
TeleportService:Teleport(id, player)
If it’s on fill, and the server is full. It will send them to another server. How about leaving some slots open specifically to send people back to the same lobby?
I know for certain it is placing players in new servers even before the others fill completely though. I had one large server and three smaller servers below it at one point (4 Total Servers), and with a max server size of 80 that would mean there had to be 240 concurrent players in the lobby which my game has not reached today.
You can use TeleportService:TeleportToPlaceInstance(). It requires the place’s JobId which can be obtained in the lobby in the game.JobId property and passed in the teleport’s data when they are teleported into the map.