I’m currently making a universal (multi-place) game, and to teleport players between different places, I use Teleport Service’s TeleportToSpawnByName method. Setting this up has proven relatively straight forward, however I have encountered one indirect problem: when players reset or join the game, they sometimes spawn at one of these ‘arrival’ spawns, which I do not want to happen.
For example, instead of spawning here (at a spawn titled ‘SpawnLocation’:
They sometimes end up spawning at one of these ‘arrival spawns’, highlighted in red:
Initially, I thought the best way to solve this would be by setting up two teams - one automatically assigned and one not. Then I set all the ‘SpawnLocations’ to the automatic spawn colour, and the ‘arrival spawns’ to the non-automatically assigned team colour. After making this though, I realised it does not work, as the spawns ‘neutral’ property have to be set to false… and in doing so, this makes the :TeleportToSpawn method ineffective:
My second idea was to simply set the ‘arrival spawns’ Enabled property false; however, this also made the :TeleportToSpawn method ineffective.
Right now I really don’t know how to overcome this problem without making my own ‘TeleportToSpawn’ function.
Any thoughts?