Multiplayer Studio (Beta) plugin by levi998234

Didn’t see this posted yet.

I stumbled across this plugin while browsing the new “Plugins” section of the catalog.

It does have quite a few bugs (as with all betas). However, my friends and I just had a blast building random stuff together. The current version doesn’t allow for Clients to directly delete, copy, or paste. You can do those by using the command bar though. Clients also seem to be a bit limited as to what they can insert at the moment. My friends could create GUI’s but not scripts. It’s really helpful for building maps together though.

For the most part it seems to be pretty compatible with other plugins. I was able to use CmdUtil perfectly when connecting to a friends server.

To connect together, my friends and I used Hamachi.

So does it work or not? A lot of people are saying that it doesn’t work I haven’t got the time to test it due to homework and the fact the stupid roblox updating application breaks so much.

??I also believe digpoe and looah made something like this a while ago??

Yes it works pretty well. I think a lot of them say it doesn’t work because they aren’t sure how to use it.

I’m testing it out with Spidey, it works, but you can’t add any models, still very neat.

I’ve been working on a version of this myself, still not finished yet though.

That’s not a prob if you have command bar. Just use:

game:GetObjects(“rbxasset://model.rbxm”)[1].Parent = game.Workspace

It didn’t work when me and AbsoluteLOL tried it.

We had to use Hamachi and do it manually;

game:service(“NetworkClient”):PlayerConnect(0, “ip”, 53640, 0, 15)

EDIT: I should mention that I did portforward and it still refused to work.

[quote] It didn’t work when me and AbsoluteLOL tried it.

We had to use Hamachi and do it manually;

game:service(“NetworkClient”):PlayerConnect(0, “ip”, 53640, 0, 15)

EDIT: I should mention that I did portforward and it still refused to work. [/quote]

Ew hamachi, can’t forward. Not fun. I’d rather try it with tunngle.

I know, but still.

Portforwarding won’t work because of ROBLOX’s crappy stuff.

maybe because your I S P is bloking it

Nope, it wasn’t. I had portforwarded and stuff - I could host a Lua server and get my friend to connect to it. But when I used ROBLOX, it was like ‘nope im gonna time out’

Somme ports are blocked.

… Notice how I said that it was working when I used something else?

When I tried to use it, it said that the ‘url’ was incorrect/invalid, even if I tried to join from same computer, and have forwarded. What is this, u silly NetworkClient.

it’s the server not accepting the connection because its stoopid